In english

Papers’ requirements

I. Extent of the paper – the paper cannot overdraw 25 thousand literal marks together with the footnotes.

II. Papers should be submitted to the conference organizers via e-mail (doc format) by 10.02.2012 to e-mail address:

III. To print would be accepted papers in the following languages: English, Ukrainian and Russian.

IV. Technical requirements:

1)    Times New Roman 12 p. font; 2.5 cm margins; 1.5 p. line spacing;
2)    Justified text;
3)    Text without bolded or underlined elements;
4)    Tables and charts should be entitled, numbered and should have sources quoted
5)    Photographs should be sent with sources quoted

V. Specifications in the papers: book’s titles and source editions, which occur in the text should be written by great letter and emphasized by italics, ex. Rozgrabione imperium, Russian revolution,  Дві України: реальні межі, віртуальні ігри.

VI. Quotes:

1)    Sources should be quoted only in the language of the original; in case of Slavic Cyrillic alphabets (Belarus, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian) we do not use transliteration;
2)    Quoted source fragments should be put in quotation marks; before and after quoted source fragments we do not put three dots;
3)    Abandonment in the quoted text should be signalized as following: […]
4)    Quotation marks – generally double (bottom-top).

VII.    Names and surnames spelling. Names of the people, who appears in the text for the first time, should be put in the full version, ex. Bronisław Włodarski. In other cases should be put initials of the names and full surname, ex. B. Włodarski. In bibliographic descriptions (footnotes) always should be put only initials of the names and full surname (as below).

VIII. Shortcuts, dates and other time terms:
1) Dates in the text:
-    months verbally, ex. 25 of December 1991 year
-    in dates in brackets month should be put in roman cipher, without the shortcut on the end, ex. (1 V 1826)
2) Dates in the footnotes:
- Month in roman cipher, ex. 5 III 2000 (not applicable to quotes and narrative fragments);
- In case of lack of the daily date month always verbally, ex. in March 1925.
3) Spelling of the terms ‘century’, ‘year’:
- Before – longer version, ex. In the century 16th, in the year 1978
- After: - shorter version, ex. in 20th c., in 1999 y.
4) In terms like ‘in second half’ or ‘eighties years’ we do not use ciphers.

IX. We do not put bibliography on the end of the paper.

X. Footnotes:
1)    Should be used classical system (bottom footnotes);
2)     In footnotes should be used shortcuts like in the text and conventional Latin shortcuts: ibidem, idem, eadem, iidem, eaedem, loc. cit. It is possible to use other, which are used in historical scientific publications, however with explanation after the first usage.
3)    Bibliographical descriptions:

a)    Journals: initial of the name and full surname of the author, title of the text (italics), title of the journal in the quotation marks, annual, year of edition, number in Arabic ciphers, pages, ex. S.Užule-Fons, Centrum niezgody „Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, 21, 2012, 1, 56-60 p.
b)    Collection of studies: initial of the name and full surname of the author, title of the text (italics), after the title should be after the coma – in: (without quadrate brackets), title of the collection of studies in italics and of the name and full surname of the editor, R Paradowski, Eurazjatycka idea rosyjskiego nacjonalizmu, in: Nacjonalizm oraz konflikty etniczno-narodowe, red. J. Polakowska-Kujawa, Warszawa 1999, 139-153 p.
c)    Articles taken from lexicons and encyclopedias should be counted as articles from collections of studies, see p.2.
d)    Monographs: initial of the name and full surname of the author, title (italics), place and year of edition, pages on the end, ex. A. Nowak, Od imperium do imprium. Spojrzenia na historię Europy Wschodniej, Kraków 2004, 87 p.
e)    Source edition: title (italics), of the name and full surname of the editor, number of volume by Arabic cipher (in case of multi-volume editions), title of the volume in italics (if there is a title of the volume), place and year of edition, pages, ex. Національні процеси в Україні. Історія і сучасність.  Документи і матеріали, ed., В.Ф. Панібудьласка t.1, Київ 2002, c. 117.
f)    In case of frequently quoted works should be used shortcut (without suspension points), ex. J.Hrycak, Nowa Ukraina, 61 p.
g)    In bibliographical description of the works published in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets we do not use transliteration – titles and all details of the works published in Cyrillic alphabets should be put in original language, ex.  А. Дугин, Основы геополитики, Москва 2000,  c. 78.

XI. Summary (resume):
1)    Every paper should has a resume in the languages English;
2)    Resume should not exceed 800 literal marks (with spaces).

XII. Reviews:
Organizers have a right to arrange internal review of the papers.

XIII. Cost of publication
Authors of papers are not subjected to any additional costs due to the publication. The Jagiellonian University is going to cover the costs.

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